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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Welcome to TGIF Discussion

Welcome to the Blog-Spot of Friday's Discussion Group

Finally.... it has arrived!

Prayerfully we can blog our discussion on various topics, and comments and conclusion as the Lord leads.  Well the advantage is, not only on Friday's but also on other days, at our work place or at home, we can have and continue with ad-hoc discussions. Plus, if a person misses one discussion they can always get updated through this blog-spot!

What should be included, what should not be, whether it should be made public to everyone or only for few selected people...  All this can be ironed out through "healthy" discussion!!! So please bring in your suggestions, and opinions regarding this initiative. We also need a moderator for TGIF Discussion Group, and whoever is led by the Spirit please do come forward. Its a FTE, no perks though!

The Name - "TGIF Discussion Group" - is created by me. :) So, if name change is required we can consider and discuss about it. I know there is one brother who disliked the name, when i suggested it. :) But since he was busy at work, i thought i will bypass his laugh and scoff and go forward with the name TGIF Discussion Group!!!!

In His Bonds
Naveen Skaria


  1. Nice initiative Navin!!!!

    in my view it should be made public so that people outside this group can also be enlightened by the discussions....

  2. I am the happiest person to be here. This is really going to make me one among you, though i am away from my 'home' !!
