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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Being Faithful

Dictionary Meaning Of Faithful
1. Adhering firmly and devotedly
2. Worthy Of trust or belief, reliable.
The word Faithful is used in different context....
a) Being Faithful to (commitment to someone, loyalty) : This speaks about relation (to wife, others and the LORD) Rev 2:10,13 , Prov 5:18
b) Faithful in : This speaks about the stewardship Mt 25:21, Lk 16:10
c) Is Faithful : This speaks of someone, something we can rely on 1 Tim 1:15, 2 Tim 2:11
d) Full of faith : faithfulness is judged by somebody else.
Being faithful is a character which GOD has put in every human being.
GOD is faithful 2 Thes 3:3
There is no criteria for GOD to command somebody as faithful person. None of the people mentioned as faithful in the Bible were perfect. GOD does not look at our past deeds.
A person cannot be a steward unless he is faithful. - 1Cor 4:2
We have to be faithful in all areas of our life. Unless we are faithful, no responsibility will be given to us.

Some of the people mentioned as faithful in the Bible:
1. Silvanus (faithful brother) - 1 Pet 5 : 12
2. Onesimus (faithful brother) - Col 4: 9
3. Tychicus (faithful minister) - Col 4: 7
4. Epaphras (faithful minister) - Col 1 : 7
1 Sam 2: 35 : Being faithful means doing things that are in the LORD's heart and mind.
There is a definite reward for being faithful - Deu 7 : 9. There is also peer recognition.

Discussion points for next friday......
What is our benchmark for being faithful..... is it the LORD or our fellow bretheren?
Practical application of "Being Faithful"
Studying faithful and unfaithful people in the Bible.
Rewards for being faithful..... and consequences of being unfaithful....

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